I will design responsive email template, newsletter in mailchimp and klaviyo


  1. Does your business need more engagement with your audience?
  2. Want to run an effective email marketing campaign?
  3. Looking for an email marketing expert to design responsive email templates or newsletters or abandoned carts?


I will design responsive Email Templates, newsletters, abandoned carts in Mailchimp and Klaviyo. With 2+ years of experience, I will also assist you to set up advanced email campaigns, automated email flows for Ecommerce store, nurture your leads

What you will get?


✅Responsive Email Templates and Newsletter templates

✅Fully Editable and Customized Design

✅Matched with Brand, color, style, visions

✅CTA appealing design to get more sales

✅Social Media + Website + eCommerce store integration

✅Business QR code addition

Gig Extras?


  1. Trigger Email Setup to create sales funnel
  2. Autoresponder Email Campaign
  3. Email Scheduling and Delivery
  4. CRM platform support (Mailchimp, Klaviyo)

Responsive email templates, newsletter, abandoned carts can increase sales by an average of 26%, where Mailchimp & Klaviyo are great CRM platform for email marketing. Thus, Building better emails starts well before you hit “send ?

Hire Me: https://www.fiverr.com/share/ogap4V 

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